
push aims to collect all workers’ partitions and store them in global. All workers should run it concurrently. The defination of the method is:

boolean push(final String contextName, final String operationName, Table<P> localTable, Table<P> globalTable, PT partitioner, DataMap dataMap, Workers workers)
  • contextName — the name of the context
  • operationName — the name of the operation
  • localTable — the name of the local data table
  • globalTable — the name of the global data table
  • partitioner — the partitioner
  • dataMap — the data map
  • workers — the workers


push(contextName, "local-global", localTable, globalTable, new Partitioner(workers.getNumWorkers()), dataMap, workers);


pull aims to distribute the partitions stored in global to all workers. All workers should run it concurrently. The defination of the method is:

boolean pull(final String contextName, final String operationName, Table<P> localTable, Table<P> globalTable, boolean useBcast, DataMap dataMap, Workers workers)
  • contextName — the name of the context
  • operationName — the name of the operation
  • localTable — the name of the local data table
  • globalTable — the name of the global data table
  • useBcast — whether use broadcast or not
  • dataMap — the data map
  • workers — the workers


pull(contextName, "global-local", localTable, globalTable, true, dataMap, workers);