We take Association Rule algorithm as an example to illustrate the programming steps for batch mode algorithms in Harp-DAAL. The codebase consists of three Java files
A Harp-DAAL Application Launcher Class
A ARDaalLauncher.java file is the entrance of Harp-DAAL execution, which loads command line arguments, setting Harp environments and launch the application.
public class ARDaalLauncher extends Configured
implements Tool {
public static void main(String[] argv)
throws Exception {
int res =
ToolRunner.run(new Configuration(),
new ARDaalLauncher(), argv);
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
// create the Initialize Module
Configuration conf = this.getConf();
Initialize init = new Initialize(conf, args);
// load native kernels to distributed cache
// load system-wide args
//load application-wide args
conf.setInt(HarpDAALConstants.FILE_DIM, Integer.parseInt(args[init.getSysArgNum()]));
conf.setDouble(Constants.MIN_SUPPORT, Double.parseDouble(args[init.getSysArgNum()+1]));
conf.setDouble(Constants.MIN_CONFIDENCE, Double.parseDouble(args[init.getSysArgNum()+2]));
// launch job, specifiy the launcher class name and mapper class name
Job arbatchJob = init.createJob("arbatchJob", ARDaalLauncher.class, ARDaalCollectiveMapper.class);
// finish job
boolean jobSuccess = arbatchJob.waitForCompletion(true);
if (!jobSuccess) {
System.out.println("ArBatchJob Job failed");
return 0;
Application-Wide Configuration Constants (Optional)
A Constants.java file is to store application-wide command line arguments, which would be used by the mapper class
public class Constants {
public static final String MIN_SUPPORT =
public static final String MIN_CONFIDENCE =
A Mapper class (Main Body)
A ARDaalCollectiveMapper.java file is the main body to implement the algorithm itself for each Harp Mapper process.
public class ARDaalCollectiveMapper
CollectiveMapper<String, String, Object, Object> {
//cmd args
private int num_mappers;
private int numThreads;
private int harpThreads;
private int fileDim;
private double minSupport;
private double minConfidence;
private List<String> inputFiles;
private Configuration conf;
private static HarpDAALDataSource datasource;
private static DaalContext daal_Context = new DaalContext();
private NumericTable input;
protected void setup(Context context)
throws IOException, InterruptedException
this.conf =context.getConfiguration();
this.num_mappers = this.conf.getInt(HarpDAALConstants.NUM_MAPPERS, 10);
this.numThreads = this.conf.getInt(HarpDAALConstants.NUM_THREADS, 10);
this.harpThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
this.fileDim = this.conf.getInt(HarpDAALConstants.FILE_DIM, 10);
this.minSupport = this.conf.getDouble(Constants.MIN_SUPPORT, 0.001);
this.minConfidence = this.conf.getDouble(Constants.MIN_CONFIDENCE, 0.7);
//set thread number used in DAAL
LOG.info("The default value of thread numbers in DAAL: " + Environment.getNumberOfThreads());
LOG.info("The current value of thread numbers in DAAL: " + Environment.getNumberOfThreads());
protected void mapCollective(KeyValReader reader, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException
// read data file names from HDFS
this.inputFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
while (reader.nextKeyValue()) {
String key = reader.getCurrentKey();
String value = reader.getCurrentValue();
LOG.info("Key: " + key + ", Value: "
+ value);
LOG.info("file name: " + value);
// set up data source module
this.datasource = new HarpDAALDataSource(harpThreads, conf);
// ----------------------- start the execution -----------------------
private void runAR(Context context) throws IOException
// load data
this.input = this.datasource.createDenseNumericTableInput(this.inputFiles, this.fileDim, ",", daal_Context);
// Create an algorithm to mine association rules using the Apriori method
Batch alg = new Batch(daal_Context, Double.class, Method.apriori);
// Set an input object for the algorithm
alg.input.set(InputId.data, input);
// Set Apriori algorithm parameters
// Find large item sets and construct association rules
Result res = alg.compute();
HomogenNumericTable largeItemsets = (HomogenNumericTable) res.get(ResultId.largeItemsets);
HomogenNumericTable largeItemsetsSupport = (HomogenNumericTable) res.get(ResultId.largeItemsetsSupport);
// Print the large item sets
Service.printAprioriItemsets(largeItemsets, largeItemsetsSupport);
HomogenNumericTable antecedentItemsets = (HomogenNumericTable) res.get(ResultId.antecedentItemsets);
HomogenNumericTable consequentItemsets = (HomogenNumericTable) res.get(ResultId.consequentItemsets);
HomogenNumericTable confidence = (HomogenNumericTable) res.get(ResultId.confidence);
// Print the association rules
Service.printAprioriRules(antecedentItemsets, consequentItemsets, confidence);